Monday, March 17, 2014

Time or Money?

Which one would you choose? Time or money?

Most time we would question ourselves whether the time we spend are worth the money or would the money we spend worth the time. And honestly speaking, in reality, we would choose to have both. The reason why we have both elements is that when we have the time, we could do whatever we want and spend it all on You-only-live-once(YOLO) concept whereas when we have the money we could buy anything that we want to and choose to be happy with it.

But to come and think of it, when we have the money, we could be very depress because we do not share the wealth and happiness with other people but in other case we could also be very happy also because when we have the money, we get to help those people in need and be well known to the whole world. All in all, happiness is a choice.

And yet another side would be time, some people would choose time over money because of some particular reasons like not having enough time to finish up assignments, mother who has kids and work to balance with and the list goes on.

And obviously there are some people like the prime minister has the money and time to do what he wants and spends on every luxury items.

Coming to a conclusion, since there are so many people who fights for both but I will still choose money over time because with money, we could spend so much on things and also give back to society where we, ourselves also will be happy eventually.

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